Invisalign vs. Braces: What’s the Difference?

Invisalign vs. Braces: What’s the Difference?

Our smile is one of the most noticeable features we have. It’s important that we’re happy with what it looks like, whether that means we get our teeth some help with whitening or alignment. When it comes to perfectly straight teeth, many people consider braces or Invisalign.

Both choices have similar results, so what’s the difference? There are a few different things about both braces and Invisalign that may be the determining factor about which is the best option for you. Read below to learn about what the main differences are.

What is Invisalign?

The Invisalign system is created using your tooth moulds. By applying gentle pressure, these BPA-free plastic aligners gently move your teeth into position.

During treatment, patients are given new aligners every few weeks. As the teeth are pushed into position, the wearer advances to the next tray, gradually finishing the treatment regimen and eventually developing a new smile.

Whether you are a parent considering orthodontic treatment for your teen or an adult who has been putting off treatment for years, Invisalign is a viable and discreet option. There are no metal brackets or wires to take your attention away from your smile.

Invisalign is generally recommended by orthodontists for minor to moderate orthodontic cases. If you have any of the following, it may be a good option for you.

  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crowding
  • Gaps

Although Invisalign trays are not permanently attached to your teeth, they can work as quickly as or faster than traditional braces. Invisalign users wear their aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day for three to eighteen months, removing them only to eat and brush their teeth.

Invisalign or Braces?

Invisalign can address many of the issues that traditional braces correct. The use of plastic aligners per the recommended course of treatment can produce noticeable results. They do not, however, work for everyone.

Many adults dislike wearing metal braces for aesthetic reasons, but this isn’t the only disadvantage of traditional braces. It’s up to you and your dentist to determine which option is best for you.


The most noticeable difference between braces and Invisalign is their appearance, and Invisalign will always win in this category. Invisalign is virtually undetectable, whereas traditional metal braces are more visible.

Invisalign trays are made of clear plastic, whereas braces are made of metal. Some children enjoy choosing different coloured bands for metal braces, but most children and adults prefer the appearance of Invisalign.

If you want your teeth alignment to be as discreet as possible, Invisalign is the way to go.


It’s not always the most comfortable to have your teeth straightened. Changing the alignment of your teeth, whether with braces or Invisalign, may be painful.

One of the most common reasons for choosing Invisalign aligners is their comfort. You should be prepared for some minor discomfort as your teeth shift into a new position, especially with the first set of aligners. The initial pressure that new aligners place on your teeth will gradually lessen and settle over a few days.

However, because traditional braces put more pressure on the teeth, Invisalign typically feels more comfortable. The inner lip and tongue may also be cut by the sharp edges of braces and metal braces may pose a safety risk if you or your child participates in sports and there is unintentional contact.

Either way, after a settling period, many people find that both Invisalign and traditional braces are fairly comfortable.

Ease of Use

For adults and teenagers who tend to feel self-conscious about their teeth, Invisalign’s discrete appearance and removability may be very alluring. But it’s important to remember that the patient plays a major role in Invisalign’s success.

With Invisalign, how strictly you follow the treatment plan has an impact on the length of your treatment. This implies that you must change trays when it’s time to move on to the next tooth after one has been properly aligned. There is typically a schedule for this, and your treatment will likely take longer if you don’t follow it.

If you’re not strict about wearing them as directed, they won’t work. If you have traditional braces, you really don’t have a choice whether to wear them or not!

Complex Cases

While Invisalign can help with many issues, it can’t help with all of them. For example, if a crooked tooth must be rotated significantly to be straightened, Invisalign might not work. Similarly, small gaps between teeth are fine, but large gaps may be too difficult for Invisalign correction.

Because braces are more effective in some cases, some complex orthodontic issues may be resolved more quickly with traditional braces rather than Invisalign. The cost of orthodontic treatment is also a deciding factor when choosing between braces and Invisalign.

Traditional braces may be less expensive than Invisalign in some cases. However, the complexity of the problem will necessitate consultation with your dentist.

What Will Work Best for You?

We all want straight teeth, but it’s up to you and your dentist to figure out what the most effective solution for you will be. Since your situation is unique to you, whether you’re considering traditional braces or Invisalign, contact us today so we can help!

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